ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Design and Implementation of Sports Network Teaching Platform Based on Discrete Similarity Method
Jian Cui,Lan Shi
#Adaptive savitzky-golay filtering
#chaotic satin bower bird optimization
#multi‐hypothesis fuzzy‐matching radon transform and sports network teaching
Semi-Supervised Kernel Discriminative Low-Rank Ridge Regression for Data Classification
Qi Zhu,Yong Peng
#Discriminative subspace
#low-rank regression
#kernel space
#ridge regression
#semi-supervised classification
Horizontal Sequence Pooling Technique in Convolutional Neural Networks to Optimize Feature Extraction for DNA Sequence Classification
Lilibeth Coronel,Arnel Fajardo,Ruji Medina
#Pooling technique
#convolutional neural network
#feature extraction
#genomic sequence
RSO based Optimization of Random Forest Classifier for Fault Detection and Classification in Photovoltaic Arrays
Khaled Baradieh,Mohd Zainuri,Mohamed Kamari,Yushaizad Yusof,Huda Abdullah,Mohd Zaman,Mohd Zulkifley
#fault classification
#fault detection
#machine learning
#random forest
Analyzing Sentiments using Optimized Novel Ensemble Fuzzy and DL based Approach with Efficient Feature Selection and Extraction Models
Potu Bharath,Dasari Venkata Lakshmi
#Sentiment analysis
#deep convolutional fuzzy neural network
#multilayer stacked bidirectional LSTM neural network inception-ResNet-V2
#enhanced reptile search algorithm
#Al-Biruni earth radius optimization algorithm
Survival Prediction of Children after Bone Marrow Transplant Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Hussam Alawneh,Ahmad Hasasneh
#Bone marrow transplant
#hematopoietic stem cell
#random forest
#gradient boost
#decision tree
Optimizing Machine Learning-based Sentiment Analysis Accuracy in Bilingual Sentences via Preprocessing Techniques
Mohammed Maree,Mujahed Eleyat,Enas Mesqali
#Machine learning
#bilingual sentiment analysis
#sentiment datasets
Optimizing Machine Learning-based Sentiment Analysis Accuracy in Bilingual Sentences via Preprocessing Techniques
Mohammed Maree,Mujahed Eleyat,Enas Mesqali
#Machine learning
#bilingual sentiment analysis
#sentiment datasets
Effects of Using Arabic Web Pages in Building Rank Estimation Algorithm for Google Search Engine Results Page
Mohamed Almadhoun,Nurul Malim
#Web data mining
#search engine optimization
#search engine results pages
#rank estimation
#scrap search engine
#machine learning
#digital marketing
A Differential Geometry Perspective about
Event Extraction from Classical Arabic Texts
Abstract: Event extraction is one of the most useful and chal lenging Information Extraction (IE) tasks that can be used in
A Vision Approach for Expiry Date Recognition using Stretched Gabor Features
Abstract: Product"expiry date represent important information for products consumption. They must contain clear
Pairwise Sequence Alignment using Bio-Database Compression by Improved Fine Tuned Enhanced Suffix Array
A Customized Particle Swarm Optimization for Classification of Multispectral Imagery Based on
, Anisha Praisy 1
#Multispectral image
# decision based feature extraction
# particle swam optimization
# global optima
# g-best
Machine Learning based Intelligent Framework for Data Preprocessing
Abstract: Data preprocessing having a pivotal role in data mining ensures reduction in cost by catering inconsistent,
#Machine learning
# hidden markov model
# conditional random fields
# preprocessing
Maximum Spanning Tree Based Redundancy Elimination for Feature Selection of High
Department of Information Technology, Indian Institute of Information Technology-Allahabad, India
#Data mining
# feature selection
# tree based approaches
# maximum spanning tree
# high dimensional data
A New Approach to Improve Association Rules for Big Data in Cloud Environment
Djilali Dahmani, Sidi Ahmed Rahal, and Ghalem Belalem
#Big data
# association rules
# rule patterns
# ontology
# cloud computing
Automatic Screening of Retinal Lesions for Grading Diabetic Retinopathy
Muhammad Sharif1 and Jamal Hussain Shah1,2
# biomarkers
The Impact of Natural Language Preprocessing on Big Data Sentiment Analysis
Mariam Khader, Arafat Awajan, and Ghazi Al-Naymat
#Big data
# natural language processing
# MapReduce framework
# Naïve Bayes and sentiment analysis
A Fast High Precision Skew Angle Estimation of Digitized Documents
Merouane Chettat, Djamel Gaceb, and Soumia Belhadi
#Skew angle estimation
# document images
# Hough transform
# Binarization
# edge detection
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