ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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A Novel Space-Efficient Method for Detecting Network-Wide Heavy Hitters in Software-Defined Networking Using P4-Switch
Ali Alhaj,Wilson Bhukya,Rajendra Lal
#Software-defined networking security
#heavy-hitter detection
#P4 switch
#network monitoring
A Review of SDLCs for Big Data Analytics Systems in the Context of Very Small Entities Using the ISO/IEC 29110 Standard-Basic Profile
David Montoya-Murillo,Manuel Mora,Sergio Galvan-Cruz,Angel Munoz-Zavala,Francisco Alvarez-Rodriguez
#ISO/IEC-29110-standard for VSEs
Review of Agile SDLC for Big Data Analytics Systems in the Context of Small Organizations Using Scrum-XP
Gerardo Salazar-Salazar,Manuel Mora,Hector Duran-Limon,Francisco Alvarez-Rodriguez,Angel Munoz-Zavala
#Big data analytics systems
#agile system development life cycle
#small business
Effective Test Cases Generation with Harmony Search and RBF Neural Network
Hemant Kumar,Vipin Saxena
#Algorithm optimization
#automated testing
#test cases
#hybrid algorithm and software testing efficiency
Enhanced Soccer Training Simulation Using Progressive Wasserstein GAN and Termite Life Cycle Optimization in Virtual Reality
Xiang Cheng,Pingping Zhang
#progressive Wasserstein generative adversarial network
#soccer training termite life cycle optimization
#virtual reality
Improvised Software Code Comprehension Using Data Mining
Ram Gopal Gupta,Ankur Dumka,Bireshwar Dass Mazumdar
#Software code comprehension
#code mining
#software maintainability
Software Component Selection: An Optimized Selection Criterion for Component-based Software Engineering (CBSE)
Ahmad Nabot
#Multi-criteria decision making
#evidential reasoning
#software component
#quality criteria
Software Quality Assessment Approach using Analytical Hierarchical Model: Applied in SMEs
Abeer Hamed,Alaa Riad,Ramadan Mowad,Hazem El-Bakry
#Analytical hierarchical process
#cost of defects metrics
#cost of software quality metrics
#reliability metrics
#small and medium enterprises
#software quality
Software Component Selection: An Optimized Selection Criterion for Component-based Software Engineering (CBSE)
Ahmad Nabot
#Multi-criteria decision making
#evidential reasoning
#software component
#quality criteria
Software Quality Assessment Approach using Analytical Hierarchical Model: Applied in SMEs
Abeer Hamed,Alaa Riad,Ramadan Mowad,Hazem El-Bakry
#Analytical hierarchical process
#cost of defects metrics
#cost of software quality metrics
#reliability metrics
#small and medium enterprises
#software quality
A Comprehensive Microservice Extraction Approach Integrating Business Functions and Database Entities
Deepali Bajaj,Anita Goel,Suresh Gupta
#static code analysis
#microservice identification
#software refactoring
#database partitioning
#move method refactoring
Smart City Application: Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies Based Smart Waste Collection Using Data Mining Approach and Ant Colony Optimization
Zeki Oralhan,Burcu Oralhan,Yavuz Yiğit
#Ant colony optimization
#data mining
#IoT smart device
#smart city
#smart waste management
A Probabilistic Approach to Building Defect Prediction Model for Platform-based Product Lines
Changkyun Jeon,Neunghoe Kim,Hoh In
#Defect prediction
#defect life cycle
#markov chain
#product line engineering
#software engineering
Induction of Co-existing Items Available in Distributed Version Control Systems for Software Development
Sibel Özyer
#Version control systems
#requirement analysis
#co-occurrence analysis
#natural language processing
Application of Intelligent Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Method for Reusability of Component Based Software System
Jyoti Agarwal,Manoj Kumar,Mugdha Sharma,Deepak Verma,Richa Sharma
#interface complexity
Optimization of Quadrotor Route Planning with Time and Energy Priority in Windy Environments
Hayri İncekara,Murat Selek,Fatih Basciftci
#Unmanned aerial vehicles
#quadrotor route planning
#windy environments
Estimation Model for Enhanced Predictive Object Point Metric in OO Software Size Estimation Using Deep Learning
Vijay Yadav,Raghuraj Singh,Vibhash Yadav
#Effort estimation
#functional size measurement
#object orientation predictive object point
#software metrics
#software measurement
An Effective Approach to Software Cost Estimation
Enhancing Generic Pipeline Model for Code Clone Detection using Divide and Conquer Approach
code clone research focuses on the detection and an alysis of code clones in order to help software developers identify code
# Code clone detection
# divide and conquer approach
# generic pipeline model
Balanced Workload Clusters for Distributed Object Oriented Software
Abstract: When clustering objects to be allocated on a numbe r of nodes, most researches focus only on either the
# Load balance
# distributed system
# software restruct uring
# cluster algorithms
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