ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Integrated Shared Random Key Agreement Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network
Anusha Thanganadar,Venkatesan Raman
#galois ring
#sensor nodes
#shared random key
#physically unclonable function
Integrated Shared Random Key Agreement Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network
Anusha Thanganadar,Venkatesan Raman
#galois ring
#sensor nodes
#shared random key
#physically unclonable function
TSO Clustered Protocol to Extend Lifetime of IoT Based Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks
Giji Kiruba Dasebenezer,Benita Joselin
#sensor nodes
Genetic Algorithm with Random and Memory Immigrant Strategies for Solving Dynamic Load Balanced Clustering Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks
Mohaideen Pitchai
#Wireless sensor networks
#genetic algorithm
#load balanced clustering
#random immigrants
#memory immigrants
in Wireless Sensor Networks
#Wireless sensor networks; compression
# routing
# en ergy efficiency
# lifetime
# shortest path Received December 14
# 2007; accepted March 12
# 2008 1
# Wireless sensor networks
# fuzzy logic
# routing
Application of Computational Geometry in Coal Mine Roadway 3D Localization
Abstract: The Voronoi diagram principle in the computational geometry was researched and the relationship between the
#Wireless sensor network
# roadway; voronoi diagra
# virtual anchor node
Aware-Routing Protocol using Best First Search Algorithm in Wireless Sensor
and areas; this led to ubiquity wireless sensor networks everywhere. Energy consumption is considered as the biggest
Intelligent Approach for Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks
Department of Information Media, University of Suwo n, Korea
#Coupled input
# decoupled input
# wireless sensor net work
# intelligent data collection
FBMT: Fuzzy Based Merkle Technique for
Detecting and Mitigating Malicious Nodes in Sensor
#Wireless Sensor Networks
# Intrusion Detection Systems
# Fuzzy logic
# Merkle tree
Adaptive Optimization for Optimal Mobile Sink Placement in Wireless Sensor Networks
Arikrishnaperumal Ramaswamy Aravind1 and Rekha Chakravarthi2 1Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Sathyabama Institute of Science and
#Mobile sink
# wireless sensor network
# fractional concept
# rider optimization algorithm
# routing
MCA-MAC: Modified Cooperative Access MAC Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks
Aya Hossam1, Tarek Salem2, Anar Abdel Hady2, and Sherine Abd El-Kader2 1Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering (Shoubra), Benha University, Egypt
# MAC protocol
# cooperative communication
# energy efficient
A Novel Energy Efficient Harvesting Technique for SDWSN using RF Transmitters with MISO Beamforming
Subaselvi Sundarraj,Gunaseelan Konganathan
#RF transmitters
#energy harvesting
#convex optimization
Solving Point Coverage Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Whale Optimization Algorithm
Mahnaz Toloueiashtian, Mehdi Golsorkhtabaramiri*, and Seyed Yaser Bozorgi Rad
#Wireless sensor networks
# point coverage
# network lifetime
# optimization
Energy Heterogeneity Analysis of Heterogeneous Clustering Protocols
Shahzad Hassan,Maria Ahmad
#Heterogeneous wireless sensor networks
#cluster head
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