ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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EEG Signal Recognition of VR Education Game Players Based on Hybrid Improved Wavelet Threshold and LSTM
Yang Li,Haiyu Zhang
#EEG signal
#wavelet threshold method
OntoDin: An Islamic Ontology of Quran and Hadith
Fairouz Bendjamaa,Nora Taleb
#Ontology engineering
#semantic representation
#religious texts
Bibliometric Analysis and Systematic Review of Research on Expert Finding: A PRISMA-guided Approach
Xuan-Lam Pham,Thi Thu Le
#Expert finding
#expert finding systems
#bibliometric analysis
#systematic review
#PRISMA methodology
Gesture Recognition Technology of VR Piano Playing Teaching Game based on Hidden Markov Model
Min Zeng
#piano performance
#gesture recognition
#VR technology
A Framework for Saudi Uniform Gait Recognition Based on Kinect Skeletal Tracking
Jawad H. Alkhateeb,Ehsan Owaidah,Aiman Turani,Rashiq Marie,Aladdein Amro,Ahmad A. Mazhar
#Biometric system
#gait recognition
#kinect sensor
Achieving better Resource Utilization by Implementing a High-Performance Intelligent Framework in a Distributed Environment
Srinivasan Narayanasamy,MohanKumar Palanichamy,Selvam Lakshmanan,ArokiaRenjith Jerald
#Computational intelligence
#high-performance computing
#resource utilization
Usage of Statistical Techniques to Monitor the Performance of Wind Turbines
Aditya Dubey,Pradeep Yadav,Subhash Chandra Patel
#wind power curve model
#statistical model
A Framework for Saudi Uniform Gait Recognition Based on Kinect Skeletal Tracking
Jawad H. Alkhateeb,Aiman Turani,Rashiq Marie,Aladdein Amro,Ahmad A. Mazhar
#Biometric system
#gait recognition
#kinect sensor
Achieving better Resource Utilization by Implementing a High-Performance Intelligent Framework in a Distributed Environment
Srinivasan Narayanasamy,MohanKumar Palanichamy,Selvam Lakshmanan,ArokiaRenjith Jerald
#Computational intelligence
#high-performance computing
#resource utilization
Usage of Statistical Techniques to Monitor the Performance of Wind Turbines
Aditya Dubey,Pradeep Yadav,Subhash Chandra Patel
#wind power curve model
#statistical model
Medical Image Registration and Fusion Using Principal Component Analysis
Meisen Pan,Jianjun Jiang,Fen Zhang,Qiusheng Rong
#image registration
#principal component analysis
#image fusion
Computational Intelligence Based Point of Interest Detection by Video Surveillance Implementations
Emre Tercan,Serkan Tapkın,Furkan Küçük,Ali Demirtaş,Ahmet Özbayoğlu,Abdussamet Türker
#Point of interest detection
#YOLO algorithm
#deep learning
Establishing Cause-Effect Relationships from Medical Treatment Data in Intensive Care Unit Settings
Mohammed Abebe Yimer,Özlem Aktaş,Süleyman Sevinç,Ali Rıza Şişman
#Capture variances
#cause-effect relationships
#causal inference
#decision making
#principal component analysis
Convolutional Neural Network Based Hand Gesture Recognition in Sophisticated Background for Humanoid Robot Control
Ali Yildiz,Nurettin Gökhan Adar,Ahmet Mert
#Hand gesture recognition
#human-robot interaction
#robot control
#convolutional neural network
#deep learning
A Novel Spam Classification System for E-Mail Using a Gradient Fuzzy Guideline-Based Spam Classifier (GFGSC)
Vinoth Narayanan Arumugam Subramaniam,Rajesh Annamalai
#Spam e-mail
#principal component analysis
#latent semantic analysis
#information gain
#gradient fuzzy guideline-based spam classifier
#MATLAB tool
Verifiable Multi Secret Sharing Scheme for 3D
Abstract: An efficient, computationally secure, verifiable (t , n) multi secret sharing scheme, based on YCH is p roposed for
Event Extraction from Classical Arabic Texts
Abstract: Event extraction is one of the most useful and chal lenging Information Extraction (IE) tasks that can be used in
Preecha Somwang1, 2 and Woraphon Lilakiatsakun2 1Office of Academic Resources and Information Techno logy, Rajamangala University
# network security
TMP Rajkumar1 and Mrityunjaya Latte2 1Research Scholar, Anjuman Engineering College, Indi a 2Principal, JSS Academy of Technical Education, India
# Image compression
# fractal image compress ion
# MRI images
# iterated functions systems
Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, India
#Image encryption
# modular addition
# chaotic maps
# l ogistic map
# socek
# grp
# cross
# block cipher
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