ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Research on the Innovation of College English Teaching Mode from the Perspective of VR/AR Technology
Hui Jiang
#VR/AR technology
#college English
#teaching mode
EEG Signal Recognition of VR Education Game Players Based on Hybrid Improved Wavelet Threshold and LSTM
Yang Li,Haiyu Zhang
#EEG signal
#wavelet threshold method
HYAQP: A Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Optimization Model for Air Quality Prediction Using Unsupervised Machine Learning Paradigms
Praveena Vasudevan,Chitra Ekambaram
#unsupervised machine learning
#hybrid optimization
#optimized k-means
#air quality prediction
Enhanced Soccer Training Simulation Using Progressive Wasserstein GAN and Termite Life Cycle Optimization in Virtual Reality
Xiang Cheng,Pingping Zhang
#progressive Wasserstein generative adversarial network
#soccer training termite life cycle optimization
#virtual reality
Gesture Recognition Technology of VR Piano Playing Teaching Game based on Hidden Markov Model
Min Zeng
#piano performance
#gesture recognition
#VR technology
Using the Ant Colony Algorithm for Real-Time
Department of Computer Engineering, Süleyman Demire l University, Turkey
# 3D Web applications
# Java 3D
# immersive virtu al environments
# Chaotic optimization
# GA
# volatility
Supervised Fuzzy C-Means Techniques to Solve the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem
Mohamed Shalaby1,2, Ayman Mohammed1, and Sally Kassem1,2 1Smart Engineering Systems Research Center, Nile University, Egypt 2Faculty of computers and Artificial Intelligence, Cairo University, Egypt
#Capacitated vehicle routing problem
# supervised fuzzy c-means
# fuzzy clustering
Instagram Post Popularity Trend Analysis and Prediction using Hashtag, Image Assessment, and
User History Features
#Social media
# Instagram
# popularity trend
# machine learning
# prediction model
Off-Line Signature Confirmation based on Cluster Representations of Geometrical and Statistical
Features through Vector Distance, Neural Network, Suresha Devaraj, Prakash Hebbakavadi, Kyasambally Rajasekhar
#Offline signature confirmation
# k-means clustering
# geometrical feature
# statistical feature
# vector distance
# neural network
# support vector machine
Solving Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem Using Meerkat Clan Algorithm
Noor Mahmood,
#Capacitated vehicle routing problem
# ant colony optimization
# genetic algorithm
# meerkat clan algorithm
# sweep clustering
Towards Personalized User Training for Secure Use of Information Systems
Damjan Fujs,Simon Vrhovec,Damjan Vavpotič
#information security
Sentiment Analysis System using Hybrid Word Embeddings with Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network
Fahd Alotaibi,Vishal Gupta
#Analysis of sentiments
#convolutional neural networks
#part of speech tagging
#natural language processing
#hybrid embedding
#recurrent neural networks
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