ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Loitering Based Human Crime Detection in Video Surveillance using Beluga Whale Adam Dingo Optimizer and Deep Convolutional Neural Network
Nischita Waddenkery,Shridevi Soma
#Video surveillance
#loitering behavior
#human crime detection
#enhanced euclidean distance
#deep learning
FPGA based Flexible Implementation of Light Weight Inference on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Shefa Dawwd
#Standard convolution
#depthwise separable convolution
#deep convolutional neural networks
Narwhal Optimizer: A Novel Nature-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithm
Seyyid Ahmed Medjahed,Fatima Boukhatem
#Narwhal optimizer
#nature-inspired algorithms
#swarm intelligence
Heart Disease Diagnosis Using Decision Trees with Feature Selection Method
Alaa Sheta,Walaa El-Ashmawi,Abdelkarim Baareh
#Machine learning
#decision tree
#heart disease
Determining PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome Severity from Reddit Posts using Topic Modelling and Association Rule Mining
Santhi Selvaraj,Selva Nidhyananthan Sundaradhas
#Association rule mining
#bag of words
#frequent symptoms set
#topic modelling
Improvised Software Code Comprehension Using Data Mining
Ram Gopal Gupta,Ankur Dumka,Bireshwar Dass Mazumdar
#Software code comprehension
#code mining
#software maintainability
Hierarchical Method for Automated Text Documents Classification
Mohamed H. Mousa,Ayman E. Khedr,Amira M. Idrees
#knowledge discovery
#text mining
#feature selection
#natural language processing
#hierarchical based
Insights into Automated Attractiveness Evaluation from 2D Facial Images: A Comprehensive Review
Ali Ibrahem,Jwan Saeed,Adnan Abdulazeez
#Facial beauty prediction
#facial attractiveness assessment
#beauty hypotheses
#beauty computation model
Improved Collaborative Filtering Recommender System Based on Hybrid Similarity Measures
Mohamed Abdi,George Okeyo,Ronald Mwangi
#Recommender systems
#collaborative filtering
#similarity measure
#Adjusted Triangle similarity
#Jaccard similarity
#user rating preference behavior
Application of Video Game Algorithm Based on Deep Q-Network Learning in Music Rhythm Teaching
Shilian Zhang,Zheng Huang,Yalin Lang
#DQN network learning
#video game algorithms
#the rhythm of music
#teaching practice
A Review of SDLCs for Big Data Analytics Systems in the Context of Very Small Entities Using the ISO/IEC 29110 Standard-Basic Profile
David Montoya-Murillo,Manuel Mora,Sergio Galvan-Cruz,Angel Munoz-Zavala,Francisco Alvarez-Rodriguez
#ISO/IEC-29110-standard for VSEs
Robust Image Watermarking using DWT, DCT, and PSO with CNN-Based Attack Evaluation
Mohammad Alia,Adnan Hnaif,Aseel Alrawashdeh,Yousef Jaradat,Mohammad Masoud,Ahmad Manasrah,Ahmad AlShanty
#Particle swarm optimization
#discrete wavelet transform
#discrete cosine transform
#denosing network
#additive white gaussian noise
#peak signal-to-noise ratio
#normalized correlation coefficient
Forecasting the Spread of Viral Diseases in Jordan Using the SARIMA Statistical Model
Shahed Al-khateeb
#Time series model
#forecasting model
#seasonal autoregressive integrated moving-average with exogenous regressors
Empowering Ovarian Cancer Subtype Classification with Parallel Swin Transformers and WSI Imaging
Lubna ALkahla,Jwan Saeed,Maher Hussein
#Ovarian cancer
#sub-type classification
#histology image analysis
A Neuro Phenotypic Evolution Algorithm for Recognizing Human Motion Type
Ivan Stepanyan,Safa Hameed
#Breaking up processes
#combining processes
#multi-dimensional data
#phenotypic neuro-evolutionary
English-Chinese Bilingual Teaching: A DECTMT-NBO-DMSFNN Approach for Design and Application of Machine Translation Technology
Yuwei Wang
Cyberbullying Detection in Social Networks Using Deep Learning
Hayel Khafajeh
#Cyberbullying detection
#deep learning
#social networks
#convolutional neural networks
#long short-term memory
#bidirectional encoder representations from transformers
A Flexible Algorithm Design of Spatial Scalability for Real-time Surveillance Applications
Zhe Zheng,Jinghua Liu,Darui Sun,Jinghui Lu,Song Qiu,Yanwei Xiong,Rui Liu,Wenpeng Cu
#Video compression
#video transmission
#scalable coding
#inter-layer reference
#image rescaling
#reference picture management
Review of Agile SDLC for Big Data Analytics Systems in the Context of Small Organizations Using Scrum-XP
Gerardo Salazar-Salazar,Manuel Mora,Hector Duran-Limon,Francisco Alvarez-Rodriguez,Angel Munoz-Zavala
#Big data analytics systems
#agile system development life cycle
#small business
OntoDin: An Islamic Ontology of Quran and Hadith
Fairouz Bendjamaa,Nora Taleb
#Ontology engineering
#semantic representation
#religious texts
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