ISSN: 1683-3198
e-ISSN: 2309-4524
DOI: 10.34028/iajit
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Hierarchical Method for Automated Text Documents Classification
Mohamed H. Mousa,Ayman E. Khedr,Amira M. Idrees
#knowledge discovery
#text mining
#feature selection
#natural language processing
#hierarchical based
Design and Implementation of Sports Network Teaching Platform Based on Discrete Similarity Method
Jian Cui,Lan Shi
#Adaptive savitzky-golay filtering
#chaotic satin bower bird optimization
#multi‐hypothesis fuzzy‐matching radon transform and sports network teaching
Empowering Ovarian Cancer Subtype Classification with Parallel Swin Transformers and WSI Imaging
Lubna ALkahla,Jwan Saeed,Maher Hussein
#Ovarian cancer
#sub-type classification
#histology image analysis
Review of Agile SDLC for Big Data Analytics Systems in the Context of Small Organizations Using Scrum-XP
Gerardo Salazar-Salazar,Manuel Mora,Hector Duran-Limon,Francisco Alvarez-Rodriguez,Angel Munoz-Zavala
#Big data analytics systems
#agile system development life cycle
#small business
Effective Test Cases Generation with Harmony Search and RBF Neural Network
Hemant Kumar,Vipin Saxena
#Algorithm optimization
#automated testing
#test cases
#hybrid algorithm and software testing efficiency
From Neutrosophic Soft Set to Effective Neutrosophic Soft Set Generalizations and Applications
Sumyyah Al-Hijjawi,Abd Ghafur Ahmad,Shawkat Alkhazaleh
#Soft set
#neutrosophic soft set
#effective set
#effective fuzzy soft set
#effective neutrosophic soft set
Heart Disease Diagnosis Using Decision Trees with Feature Selection Method
Alaa Sheta,Walaa El-Ashmawi,Abdelkarim Baareh
#Machine learning
#decision tree
#heart disease
Ar-CM-ViMETA: Arabic Image Captioning based on Concept Model and Vision-based Multi-Encoder Transformer Architecture
Asmaa Osman,Mohamed Shalaby,Mona Soliman,Khaled Elsayed
#Arabic image captioning
#computer vision
Pattern Recognition Using the Concept of Disjoint Matrix of MIMO System
Mezbahul Islam,Rahmina Rubaiat,Imdadul Islam,Mostafizur Rahaman,Mohamed Ruhul Amin
#Uncoupled MIMO links
#unitary matrix
#noise and channel matrix
Computational Intelligence Based Point of Interest Detection by Video Surveillance Implementations
Emre Tercan,Serkan Tapkın,Furkan Küçük,Ali Demirtaş,Ahmet Özbayoğlu,Abdussamet Türker
#Point of interest detection
#YOLO algorithm
#deep learning
Tree-based Multicast Routing and Channel Assignment for Enhanced Throughout in Emerging Cognitive Radio Networks
Haythem Bany Salameh,Mustafa Ali
#Cognitive radio
#multicast routing
#minimum spanning tree
#shortest path tree
#licensed spectrum
The Fuzzy Logic Based ECA Rule Processing for XML Databases
systems. Fuzzy concepts are adapted to the field of XML Data bases (DB) in order to deal with ambiguous and unce rtain data.
Developing a Novel Approach for Content Based
Model Based Approach for Content Based Image
#Image capture
# image store
# image compression
# join t photographic experts group
# compression rat io
# CMOS image sensor
# VLSI implementation
# CF
# volume discount
# search cost
# stability
#Bio$inspired system taxonomy
# ontogeny
# phylo geny
# epigeny
Medhat Tawfeek, Ashraf ElSisi, Arabi Keshk and Faw zy Torkey
#Cloud computing
# task scheduling
# makespan
# cl oudsim
# Active authentication
# data originator
# verifier
# E CC
# e&passport
# ES
# passive authentication
Ontology-Based System for Conceptual Data Model
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