The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT)

Qaisar Abbas1, Irene Fondo´n2, and Emre Celebi3 1College of Computer and Information Sciences, Al Im am Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University,

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer, Shahid Bahonar  University of Kerman, Iran 

afak Saraydemir1, Necmi Tapınar2, Osman Eroğul3 and Hülya Kayserili4 1Department of Electronics Engineering, Turkish Mili tary Academy, Turkey 2Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Erciyes University, Turkey 3Department of Biomedical Engineering Centre, Gülhan e Military Medicine Academy, Turkey 4Department of Medical Genetics, Đstanbul University Medicine Faculty, Turkey

Test Case PrioritizationforRegression Testing Using Immune Operator

Abstract:Regressiontesting is a time consuming, costly process of re-running existing test cases.Assoftware evolves, the


Haneen Al Wazan1, Kais Ibraheem2, and Abdul Ghafoor Salim1

Forecasting of Chaotic Time Series Using RBF

Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Arab American University, Palestine